
Most Health Insurance costs less than 15,000 a year.

How to resolve the Helath Insurance problem:

Force all people to buy or put them in jail!

I wonder if Oprah is going to fund all of her fans who can’t afford to pay this. Will she let them go to jail? After all, she commanded her flock to vote for the guy.

POLITICO: Ensign receives handwritten confirmation – Live Pulse – Ensign receives handwritten confirmation

So let me get this straight: Buy our health insurance you cannot afford or pay an almost $2000 fee? And *still* not be covered? Cannot afford the fee? Go directly to jail. Is this what you all signed up for when you voted for him? And if there is no single payer then basically you have to buy or go to jail. Insurance is already one of the only for-profit industry where you can go to jail (in some states – yes for auto/home/etc.) for not buying a product.

POLITICO: Ensign receives handwritten confirmation – Live Pulse – Ensign receives handwritten confirmation

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